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Prolapse Truss Collars, Hoof Protectors, Halters and Halters+Reins
Prolapse Truss Hoof ProtectorsNylon HalterLeather HalterCollarsHalter + Leading rein
Code: RH001EWL Code: Various

Wide nylon straps and anti-chaffing leather, with black plastic closures. Ewe spoon obtained separately.

Stitched nylon or leather straps with steel buckles. Leading rein has a swivel connector. Hoof Protectors are made of strong leather with lacing closure.

Hoof Treatment Mats
Hoof Mats
Polypropylene reversible mesh mats in a sealed PVC holder. Available in three sizes, 180*90cm, 90*90cm and 60*90cm. Respective capacities are 30,15 and 10 litres.