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All Temperature Grade
Codes: RK010??L
(?? denotes the colour reference)
Blended wax crayon bonded to a universal size plastic holder, which fits most makes of harness, and which gives a bright mark, removable by scouring, for use in the temperature range +4ºC to +22ºC.

Winter Grade
Codes: RJ010??L
(?? denotes the colour reference)
Blended wax crayon bonded to a universal size plastic holder, which fits most makes of harness, and which gives a bright mark, removable by scouring, for use in the temperature range -1ºC to +7ºC.

Summer Grade
Codes: RL010??L
(?? denotes the colour reference)
Blended wax crayon bonded to a universal size plastic holder, which fits most makes of harness, and which gives a bright mark, removable by scouring, for use in the temperature range +15ºC to +33ºC.

Colour Ref.'s Red (RD), Blue (BE), Green (GN), Orange (OE), Yellow (YW) and Black (BK).